Usage Guidelines:
When to Use:
At the bottom of the page for footnote content or copy following asterisk
When to Avoid:
Do not use this component for long-form copy. Use the C034 instead.
Alternative Options:
Use at the bottom of the pages to include supplemental or footnote content.
Use at the bottom of the pages to include supplemental or footnote content. This component is a full-width copy block and using it for long-form copy may make it difficult for readers as the length of the copy is not ideal for extended reading periods on desktop browsers. (Copy can be styled in italics as show in the image, but is not italics by default.)
Embed links in the copy to send users to deeper pages for more information when required.
Body Copy: Unlimited
At the bottom of the page for footnote content or copy following asterisk
Do not use this component for long-form copy. Use the C034 instead.