When to Use:
Use for a featured case study or to promote an interesting solution or piece of thought leadership.
When to Avoid:
Not intended to feature a single product.
The Compelling Feature has a headline, subhead copy, and a CTA. There is not an additional caption associated with the image.
The Compelling Story features solutions copy with a call-to-action (CTA) presented over a background image. The excerpt acts as a teaser to encourage users to continue to the full story on another page.
CTA sends user to another page with the full-length story, typically in the Expertise or Industries section of the site.
Headline: 60
Body Copy: 175
Asset Size: 2880px x 1620px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Recommended File Weight: <300kb
Width: 100% viewport width
Height: 512px
Desktop: 16:9
Tablet: 16:9
Mobile: 3:4
Use for a featured case study or to promote an interesting solution or piece of thought leadership.
Not intended to feature a single product.