Usage Guidelines:
When to Use:
To highlight a story using an Emerson product.
When to Avoid:
When wanting to feature more than 5 products or have too much copy
This carousel should concisely express a product’s value proposition on each slide followed by a call to action, leading to a product detail or featured technology page, up to five slides.
The Featured Carousel includes a product photo on the left and descriptive copy on the left/right. The copy should express the product’s value proposition in concise, compelling fashion, followed by a call to action. Limit to 5 products in the carousel.
CTA sends user to a product details page or featured technology page.
Headline: 60
Body Copy: 180
Asset Size: 1180px x 672px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Recommended File Weight: <60kb
Width: 748px
Height: 416px
Desktop: 16:9
Tablet: 16:9
Mobile: 16:9
To highlight a story using an Emerson product.
When wanting to feature more than 5 products or have too much copy