2-column content lockup featuring three editorial teasers and two related callouts with supporting images. Most often used to supplement a featured topic in the Perspectives section of the website.
This flexible 2-column content lockup features three editorial teasers that can include a headline with or without body copy. Each teaser copy snippet is followed by a call to action link. Each link can include a different icon associated with it for video, download, or article links.
The right side of the component contains two featured visual tiles offering space for succinct headlines and teaser sub-copy.
When used as a standalone component, an optional headline can be placed above the content blocks. When used within components such as the c016 tabs, the headline is also optional but not recommended.
The two visual tiles have a hover state, turning the background Emerson green, and the copy changes from black into white.
Optional Group Headline: 25
(Left) Teaser Headlines: 80 (max 2 lines)
(Left) Teaser Body Copy: 100 (max 2 lines)
(Right) Tile Headlines: 40 (max 2 lines)
(Right) Tile Body Copy: 75
Asset Size: 580px x 776px
Aspect Ratio: 3:4
Recommended File Weight: <40kb
Width: 290px
Min-Height: 248px
Desktop: 3:4
Tablet: 1:1
Mobile: 1:1